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Teams - Alphabetical

Teams - by Group


  • Advocates with elected officials and staff at the state and local levels for actions that benefit County residents.
  • Monitors the County Commission, School Board, and local government officials.
  • Produces Legislative Delegation appreciation events.
  • Provides Advocacy training.

Chair: Rich Bartholomew,

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.

Budget & Finance

  • Keeps financial records for the League and the Education Fund.
  • Reports financial information to the Board of Directors.
  • Oversees the annual budget process.
  • Provides resources to each committee to prepare their budgets.

Chair: Melissa Gannon –

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.

Candidate Forums

  • Candidate forums expose voters to candidates and issues.
  • Forums are moderated by trained impartial League members.

Chair: Linda Kramer -

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.


  • Encourages a well-funded and quality education system.
  • Supports the education of residents from early childhood to post-secondary.

Chair: Kathi Gundlach -

Meetings: Posted on calendar.


  • Coordinates communications with members.
  • Assists committee chairs with internal and external communications.
  • Informs community members of League activities.
  • Manages the League’s Robo Calls.

Chair: Marge Holtz -

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.


  • Engages with individuals and organizations to reach diverse populations who are underrepresented at the polls.

Co-Chairs: Cindy Sheehan Hartwell & Patty Whitehill -

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.


  • Secures funds for a range of League activities including:
  • voter registration
  • public presentations
  • publications & website
  • civic education activities
  • candidate forums.
  • Encourages individuals and businesses to sponsor League events.
  • Coordinates members and allies in fundraising opportunities.
  • Creates a diversified funding base for League operations.
  • Showcases sponsors, donors, and funders.

Co-Chairs: unfilled -

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.


  • Educates on critical environmental issues.
  • Monitors legislation and advocates for public policy related to climate change, including:
  • Everglades restoration
  • water quality and supply
  • renewable energy
  • plastics pollution
  • sea level rise.
  • Includes Go Solar Team, which educates and assists residents regarding solar energy.

Chair: unfilled

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.

Gun Safety

  • Educates residents and lobbies state representatives regarding gun safety issues.
  • Collaborates with grassroots organizations to create responsible gun ownership with an emphasis on safe storage.

Co-Chairs: Marcy Brody and Kristen Murtaugh -

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.


  • Supports reproductive rights and a woman’s right to privacy and bodily autonomy.
  • Works to expand Medicaid for the working poor.
  • Partners with organizations to:
  • Achieve health equity goals in minority populations.
  • Spotlight the increase in suicides and ways to prevent attempts.

Co-Chairs: Nancy Gau and Brent Schillinger -

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.


  • Orients and mentors new League members and others interested in League.
  • Staffs and provides hospitality for Hot Topic Luncheons and other League events.
  • Implements strategies to increase, diversify, and retain membership.

Chair: Darlene Kostrub -

Meetings: Posted on Calendar


  • Manages the League’s website Store.
  • Researches and obtains new items.

Chair: Cathy Einhorn –

Meetings: Posted on Calendar

National Popular Vote

  • Advocates for electors to place their votes for the candidate who receives the most popular votes nationwide.
  • Lobbies elected officials and candidates to vote for the National Popular Vote law.
  • Provides presentations to civic and community groups.

Chair: Daniel Lishansky -

Meetings: 4th Tuesday each month at 5:30 pm on Zoom.


  • Edits and prepares monthly Newsletters.
  • Publishes on 15th of each month.

Chair: Carol Carnevale –

Meetings: Articles and graphics are due by the 5th of the month.


  • Identifies skilled and diverse candidates to fill Board vacancies.
  • Presents a slate of candidates to the Board for approval and to the membership for a vote.
  • Slates are presented at the Annual Meeting in April.

Chair: Rich Bartholomew -

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.


  • Creates the Voter Guide in print and digital formats.
  • Prints & delivers 110,000 each year.
  • Creates Legislative Directory of local, state, and federal leaders and distributes it in print and digital formats.

Chair: Joyce Sullivan –

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.

Speakers Bureau

  • Provides a series of presentations that:
  • Educate about the structure of government and how it works.
  • Increases understanding of major policy issues.
  • Promotes voting in elections.

Chair: Janet Elinoff –

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.

Special Events

  • Coordinates and facilitates special events.
  • Events include:
  • Monthly Hot Topics Luncheons
  • Day Tripper events
  • Fundraisers
  • Celebrations

Co-Chairs: Linda Kramer & Reisha Roopchand Allen -

Meetings: 4th Thursday of each month at 9:20am on Zoom.

Voter Services

  • Organizes and staffs voter registrations and petition drives.
  • Educates about all aspects of voting and voter regulations.

Chair: Phyllis Applebaum -

Meetings: 1st Thursday each month. Alternates 10:00am and 7:00pm on Zoom.

Voting Rights Coalition

  • Promotes a vigorous Election Protection effort with field, legal, and social media monitors.
  • Combats voter suppression.
  • Supports voting rights legislation and fair districts.

Co-Chairs: Kate Renchin & Mark Schneider & Sandy Kaltman -

Meetings: 1st Thursday each month at 2:00pm on Zoom.

Young Leaguers

  • Encourages membership and participation by young professionals and students.
  • Activities include community service, advocacy, activism, and education.

Chair: Ashley Cacicedo-Surdovel -

Meetings: Posted on Calendar.

League of Women Voters
Palm Beach County Education Fund
9314 Forest Hill Blvd. Ste 770
Wellington, FL 33411-6577
League of Women Voters
Palm Beach County Advocacy Fund
9314 Forest Hill Blvd. Ste 640
Wellington, FL 33411-6577