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Our Focus

The Goal of the Education Team is to raise awareness, advocate, and educate Palm Beach County residents about the overall status of education in the county as well as in Florida.

The Team's focus is to:

1. Create, use, and refine civics education materials for all segments of the community.
    -Civics education materials include, but are not limited to: the 100 Questions for U.S citizenship, crossword puzzles on local & state government, and critical thinking exercises and PowerPoint presentations.

2. Keep the Education Team and residents informed of ongoing and upcoming education policy, in order to actively advocate for students of Palm Beach County.

Meetings: the third Tuesday or third Saturday of each month. Check the Event Calendar for exact day each month.

League of Women Voters
Palm Beach County Education Fund
9314 Forest Hill Blvd. Ste 770
Wellington, FL 33411-6577
League of Women Voters
Palm Beach County Advocacy Fund
9314 Forest Hill Blvd. Ste 640
Wellington, FL 33411-6577
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