By Nancy Gau
Healthcare Co-chair

According to, approximately 16 million people have signed up for Affordable Health Coverage in the ACA Marketplaces during the 2022 Open Enrollment period (Nov. 1, 2022 to Jan. 15, 2023). This record-breaking enrollment represents a 13 percent increase over the previous year, including more than 3 million people new to the Marketplace.

As of Jan. 7, Florida’s total enrollment figure was 3,151,448. In Palm Beach County, our LWVPBC Healthcare Team (along with other LWVPBC committees and our other local partners) distributed approximately 1,400 copies of the flyer, in three languages. Many of these same groups and individuals also posted the flyers on social media.

A big thanks to everyone for your support of this annual project!  And kudos to Christine Pelaez-Pena of Epilepsy Florida who was part of the local Health Insurance Navigation Program.

The breakdown follows:

1.     500 English flyers taken to PBC Library on Summit, for distribution to branches. (N. Gau)

2.     Numerous postings on LWV Social Media  and shared with contacts (C. Einhorn, S. Lent, B. Philippe, S. Alzofon, J. Singer, K. Haight, Young Leaguers, P. Maldonado, and others)

3.      @30 English flyers mailed to health/social services locations, churches and more in North Palm Beach.  (J. Fitzgerald)

4.     @200 English flyers distributed at T. Leroy Jefferson Medical Society events. (S. Rahman)

5.     English/Spanish flyer was printed in November and December LWVBC Newsletter.  (C. Carnevale)

6.     @100 English flyers were distributed at all November and December voter registration events. (P. Applebaum)

7.     50 English/Spanish flyers delivered to the U.B. Kinsey Educational & Community Center in Northwood area. This is primarily a health center. (N. Gau)

8.     25 English/Spanish flyers delivered to the Hispanic HR Center on Congress Avenue. (N. Gau)

9.     50 English/Spanish & 30 English/Creole flyers delivered to Olive Park Community Center (N. Gau)

10.  50 English/Creole flyers delivered to Compass Community Center in Lake Worth Beach. (N. Gau)

11.  50 English/Spanish and 30 English/Creole flyers delivered to Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church on Eighth Street in West Palm Beach (N. Gau)

12.  50 English/Spanish flyers delivered to El Bodegon market on Forest Hill and Jog. (B. Philippe)

13.  50 English/Creole flyers delivered to two Haitian businesses (hair salon & Lakay restaurant) on North Military Trail).  (N. Gau)

14.  30 English/Creole flyers delivered to an HOA Towncenter in Wellington. (N. Gau)

15.  100 English flyers taken to Riviera Beach City Hall. (J. Sullivan)

16.  100 English flyers taken to Palm Beach Gardens Library. (J. Sullivan)