Voter Services Needs Team Leaders

By Phyllis Applebaum‚ Voter Services Chair

 We are in an important election year‚ and the League of Women Voters wants as many people to vote as possible.  However, we know many aren’t ready to vote.

Many who traditionally vote by mail don’t realize their privileges now expire at the end of every even year. Many have yet to reapply. Also, the state has purged 1 million voters from the Florida voter rolls in 2023 — and some were removed in error. In other cases, people moved and have yet to update their voter registrations.

We want to help people to check their voter information to be sure it is correct and up-to-date. That is why we send teams of people out to senior facilities, fairs and schools. That is also why we need Team Leaders since we can’t go out without them!

What is a Team Leader (TL)?

  • The supplier of materials — The TL brings the supplies for the Team.  Although we pack the bags for each Team Leader originally and provide any additional materials needed, they must be sure of what’s needed before the next venue. Some TLs have rolling carts with supplies of materials.
  • The Team Problem Solver and Spokesperson — The Team Leader gets to the site a little early to be sure that everything is on schedule.  One TL arrived early to find that the senior facility had forgotten to set up tables.  She diplomatically told the facility that we needed a large table and four chairs. When the parking passes to a university were not forthcoming, the TL notified the team to meet at the shopping center across the street and go in her car to the university.  Of course, the TL thanks the coordinator prior to leaving, and many send a note of thanks to the Team and the venue coordinator afterwards.
  • Person who answers the Team’s questions — I think most new TLs worry about this aspect. Do I know the answers to all the questions? I worried about that on my first few TL assignments. I even put several people to call on my contact list. Of course, you can call people with difficult questions. However, you can also get the person’s number and call them back with the answer to a difficult question. Everyone understands no one has all the answers. (Also, ask your team members if they know the answers. Often they do. After all, you are a team.)
  • Quality Control Person — The TL also guides newbies to be sure they understand the rules, and experienced TLs may have future TLs shadowing them to learn the ropes. However, it’s good to remind the whole Team about the essentials. For example, remind your team to have two sets of eyes review each form.

If it sounds as if Team Leaders are special people, you’ve gotten the message. We cannot do our work without them. However, TLs drop out after a while, for various reasons, and we now need lots more, particularly in North County.  Several people have agreed to shadow our current TLs, so they can be TLs in the future. BUT WE NEED MORE, AND WE NEED THEM NOW!

Can you help us by being a Team Leader?  Please contact Phyllis Applebaum, at or (301) 938-6973.

“If not you, then who? If not now, when?”
— Hillel first-century Jewish scholar