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League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County logo



Join and Renew


 - Click the blue button to join or renew.
 - You will be forwarded to the LWV national website.

You will prompted there to enter your email address. Then you will receive an email with a 6-digit code and a button to complete your login. USE THE 6 -DIGIT CODE. (The button may lead to an error message.)

- Household memberships no longer exist. You can register 2 people in the same household, but each is treated as an individual membership. Dues for each must be the same amount.

Recommended dues for all individuals are $75.

 - If you have trouble completing the Join or Renew info, contact the Assistant Treasurer to find out if you can pay by check.


 - Pay the recommended $75 dues at the LWV national website. ($15 goes to local league. See chart.)

 - Then return to this website and click the DONATE button.
 - Make your donation to the LWV Palm Beach County right here on this site!
 - 100% of your donation here stays here.

 - If you want to pay "a little something more" in your dues, make it a donation on this website.

Donations must be made separately from dues.

League of Women Voters
Palm Beach County Education Fund
9314 Forest Hill Blvd. Ste 770
Wellington, FL 33411-6577
League of Women Voters
Palm Beach County Advocacy Fund
9314 Forest Hill Blvd. Ste 640
Wellington, FL 33411-6577
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