Palm Beach County League President Kathryn Gundlach
Senator Gayle Harrell

by  Rich Bartholomew, Advocacy Chair

On September 13th, President Gundlach took part in a special press conference to recognize the exceptional  “hometown” work that our bipartisan Delegation of State Legislators performed during the 2023 Tallahassee Session. While most League members are aware of the headline Legislative issues that the League engaged in, there is a major untold story of the benefits that our Legislators brought home to Palm Beach County residents.

There were many millions in State Budget appropriations, changes in law and improvements in infrastructure, health/mental health care, environmental, education, transportation, culture, human services and other areas that County residents will experience.

The impressive list includes added services and projects for autistic children and adults, Alzheimer’s patients, beachgoers and boaters, drivers, students, first responders, tourists, flyers, persons in need of mental health assistance and food bank support, participants in local cultural activities, children and many other citizens of our cities and towns.

You can examine the Annual Report of the Delegation at:

The Report is not sugar-coated. It will tell you a lot about what happened this year at the Capital. Take a look!