Recurring Monthly Donation

Thank you for becoming a special part of the League! Please select your monthly recurring donation level. You will be notified every month when your donation amount posts- this will be on the same day every month. The recurring donation period lasts for 12 months. You will be reminded every year when this donation period is ending, so you can renew. If you have any questions about this recurring donation process or transactions, contact We appreciate YOU!

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Test Donation

Test Donation
Donation- recurring monthlyPlease select your monthly recurring donation level. You will be notified every month when your donation amount posts- this will be on the same day every month. The recurring donation period lasts for 12 months. You will be reminded every year when this donation period is ending, so you can renew. If you have any questions about this recurring donation process or transactions, contact We appreciate YOU! Enter Your Monthly Donation Amount:
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