Palm Beach Post, Letters to the Editor: Why is abortion-rights petition threatening?

Thank you for your honest appraisal of the obstacles Republican-dominated partisan politics have created in Florida to deny a genuine voice to everyday Floridians. Unfortunately, we’re warned it probably won’t be enough for volunteers to collect over a million signed and verified petitions to get the amendment to limit government interference in abortion/healthcare on the 2024 ballot.

Floridians who clearly want politicians out of healthcare are only asking for the chance to put the question on the ballot for an up-or-down vote. Why is this so threatening to Florida’s current political regime? I think the answer is the majority of Floridians don’t agree that the right to reproductive healthcare should be in the hands of politicians. Despite the obstacles, overwhelming support for reproductive freedom will continue. While we hope we can vote for this amendment in 2024, we can certainly all vote to elect more progressive leaders.

Rebecca Cohen, Palm Beach Gardens