Your Turn
Ashley Cacicedo-Surdovel
Guest columnist

In 2019, I was at a mall shopping with my sister at Macy’s; we were by the shoe department on the first floor. Suddenly, a stampede of people ran towards us, screaming that a gunman was in the mall. My sister and I hid behind shoe racks, scared for our lives. An employee helped us escape through an exit door. I saw many shoppers in panic as I ran out of the mall — including a teenager in tears, who was separated from
her friend. The police department received over 200 phone calls that day. Some of our friends were stuck inside the mall until 9 p.m., waiting to be escorted safely out of the mall by law enforcement. The next day, we learned that it was a false alarm.

One person was injured but not due to a shooting. However, that does not change the terror I and many others felt that day. Every time I enter the mall, I immediately look for the exit doors and check my surroundings due to the trauma and stress from that experience. The permit-less carry law makes mass shootings more likely and real. My situation very well could have ended in tragedy.

I sincerely appreciate everyone who called, emailed, and testified in opposition to the permitless carry bill. To everyone who stepped up and said, “no, this is wrong,” despite the Governor’s agenda — that is true activism, and I sincerely thank you for caring about the safety of Floridians. Unfortunately, our pleas fell upon deaf ears and cold shoulders.

By our state legislature’s actions last Thursday, we learned that they value the right to own a gun without a permit, background check or safety course more than your right to vote (which requires registration), your right to make your own medical decisions, your right to safety and your right to live.

After the tragedy in Parkland in 2018, I thought our state would work toward safety measures and promote responsible gun ownership. This legislative session has pushed our state backward. Our legislature’s decision was a slap in the face to the families and
friends of the Parkland victims. The permitless carry law puts us all at risk, including our police officers. Last year, 7,000 people were denied firearm permits due to background checks, mental health issues, and various reasons. With this bill passing, those 7,000 people will no longer be barred from purchasing guns. I cannot express how uneasy this makes me feel.

Voter registration is required to participate in our democracy. There are zero injuries or deaths related to voter registration. However, in Florida, there are over 2,800 deaths and 5,200 injuries related to firearms each year. Ask yourselves, why is our 1st amendment heavily regulated when our second amendment (statistically proven to be much more dangerous) is not. You need a license to drive a motor vehicle. Would you give someone without a driver’s permit car keys and ask them to drive on I-95? That is essentially what our state is doing with firearms.

To the legislators that voted in favor of the bill, I want you to know that whatever incentives you had for implementing this law, I promise you it will not be worth the pain and suffering that will happen because of it. Due to your actions, situations like mine are now more likely to have fatal consequences.

Shame on all of you for putting access to weapons above those you represent. Especially when the country is mourning the victims of the most recent mass school shooting in Nashville, this vote was poorly timed and disrespectful. You may have won this battle but the pendulum will swing and good will prevail. Once the public sees the adverse outcomes of this legislation, the people you serve will rise and vote you out. My fellow activists, this fight isn’t over. We have work to do.

Ashley Cacicedo-Surdovel is a resident of Boynton Beach.