LWVUS ConventionThe LWVPBC is our county’s most respected source for nonpartisan, trusted voter education. Your support to help voters access fact-based information will increase the League’s visibility and expand our outreach.

Now is the most important time for accurate nonpartisan voter education. The League needs your help now to register voters, distribute important voter tools and educate all voters.

Support Voter Education

Your support goes directly to the League’s work to register voters, distribute important voter tools and educate all voters.

Please note that your gift to the League of Women Voters of PBC, a 501(c)(4) organization, is not tax-deductible. If you would like to make a tax-deductible gift to the League of Women Voters PBC Education Fund, please click here.

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Be informed. Vote informed.View our award-winning Voters’ Guide and VOTE411.org online voters’ guide provides invaluable, nonpartisan information and encourages broad voter participation. We empower Palm Beach County voters with information about when to vote, where to vote and voting options.

With your help, we can expand and complete our work to counter biased political information and disinformation and energize and empower voters for the November general election.

Your support is crucially needed!