Dear Father Time,

As we start a New Year with hope for a better year I need to let you know again, that the year of 2017 has been worse then the year of 2016, for so many.
So, I thought I would send you my New Year List of Hope, in an effort to try to improve things for American’s who need it the most …

1. Term Limits for Congress; the current lot are a motley crew and demonstrate every day how little they care for us.
2. 6 year Term for President; 2 of the 8 years a President is in office are wasted in a re-election campaign, a 6 year term is the least painful way out.
3. Health Care; Americans should have the same Health Care as Congress, which we pay for through our tax dollars.
4. End Pension’s for all elected officials; since they enrich themselves through stock and investment tips while in office, they have more then enough to live on once they retire.
5. Hands off Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid; Attention! These are not entitlement programs, we pay for them through taxes, they can be properly funded by raising payroll taxes or wait, through the savings from ending the Congress Pension Plan.

Father Time, there are so many more things American’s need changed; Equal Pay for Women, Living Wages to replace minimum hourly wage, better education system, affordable housing, the homeless crisis, to name a few.

As I said, it is a wish list and since it is a New Year, I thought I would ask.

Happy New Year, oh one last thing, since these compassionate Christians in Congress can’t seem to help Puerto Rico I would like to add them to the list of hope too.

May 2018 be a better year…

Thank you,

Linda Kramer, Palm Beach Gardens